Partnership Opportunities

We understand the importance of community partnerships with individuals and organizations for student growth and development.  Through these partnerships, we will connect you to a student SHRM chapter in your area for volunteer opportunities.

Be a corporate partner for the HR Case Competition and kick start your recruiting season by engaging with the brightest chapter members and future HR Leaders of Tomorrow.   The partnership will allow you to assess where the student’s talent fit in the organization.

Corporate Sponsors will:

  • Provide a real business challenge in your company and judge the presentations.
  • Test the students HR knowledge and ability to analyze a real HR problem and propose an innovative solution.
  • Give students an opportunity to apply academic experience to a workplace challenge.

Local businesses can host a student chapter activity, including a company tour, student conference, job shadowing and fundraising events.  Our students believe in service-driven leadership and are interested in volunteering at a company-sponsored community give back or volunteer event.

Our universities and colleges are looking for guest speakers to attend chapter meetings or a host a webinar on HR related topics.

Interested in a partnership opportunity!  Contact Tamara O’Brien, ILSHRM College Relations Director at

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